Vincent de Koning
Engineer, Tweaker, IT-manager
I'm professionally driven to search, find, and create fitting solutions. At my best, as a link between Humans and Technology. I stopped using Twitter, Facebook and other Social Media Platforms, so this will replace and filled up with my adventures, summary's or just some notes that I would like to share. Thank you for taking the time to read about me!
Also check Vincentdekoning.nl for my full story.
About website:
The Mediator theme for Grav is a direct port of the Mediator Theme for Jekyll designed by Dirk Fabisch which in turn was inspired by the Readium 2.0 Theme for Ghost.
You can download the theme here: github.com/getgrav/grav-theme-mediator but it's strongly advised to download the complete Download Mediator Skeleton.
You can find out more info about customizing your Grav theme, as well as basic Grav usage documentation at learn.getgrav.org
You can find the source code for Grav at github.com/getgrav/grav