This is a small post about uploading a file over SSH to a remote Linux server.
I love to run my first .sh scripts (thanks Chat-GPT!); I edit and store them for now on my Windows PC. Over SSH I copy them to the remote Linux machine. SCP (Secure Copy) does the job well!
Download over SSH:
scp /local/dir
scp root@ e:\mywindowsfolder\
Upload over SSH:
scp <file to upload> <username>@<hostname>:<destination path>
scp e:\mywindowsfolder\yourfile.txt root@
cd ./files-to-upload
scp * user@host:/path/to/upload/files/to
This to list files remotely and directly close the connection afterwards
ssh root@ ls -l ../
This is to run the the script remotely and directly close the connection afterwards
ssh root@ ls bash /folder/